Moby Dick + CD

(A terméket már értékelte: )
  • Kiadó: Eli Readers,
  • Oldalszám: 144
  • Megjelenés: 2019.05.30.
  • ISBN szám: 9788853620316
3590 Ft helyett
3231 Ft
Kiszállítási idő: 3-5 munkanap
Összesen 0 Ft

One of the most widely-read books worldwide. Moby Dick is the saga of Captain Ahab and his continuous pursuit of Moby Dick, the great white whale who maimed him during their last encounter.

Ismael, a young sailor, tells this classic American tale of the gigantic white whale and his obsessed hunter, Captain Ahab. Start your journey across the seas in famous whaling town of New Bedford, Massechusetts, and sail to unknown lands on the whaling ship Pequod. Meet Queequeg, the strange cannibal who teaches Ismael what a true friend is; First Mate Starbuck, who shows us the meaning of loyalty and hardwork, and all of the ship's incredible sailing crew.